Saturday, August 25, 2012

What can you learn from Hamlet about weight loss?

?To be or not to be, that is the question?whether ?tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and thus, by opposing, end them.?

That?s Hamlet talking to himself. That boy certainly did have a lot of troubles and he was paralyzed into inaction. It was only when his girlfriend killed herself that he pulled himself together and did what he had to do.

Do you have to wait for something really bad to happen before you do what?you know you must do? How many people do you know who got serious about weight loss, health, and fitness when they were told that they were prediabetic or diabetic? Or worse, people you know were told that, if they didn?t change their lives, they were going to have their feet cut off or go blind or lose kidney function or have a heart attack or have a stroke. Maybe there are people you know whose warning bell?was?a stroke! Maybe you know people whose warning was catastrophic failure of sexual function. Maybe it is just the fact that you can?t sleep (Anyone for sleep apnea? Can you only sleep wearing the ?hose nose?? If you have to ask, ?what does he mean by hose nose?? then you ? and your spouse ? have a treat waiting for you). Maybe the something really bad is just that you can?t stand up; you can?t walk without your back being pulled completely apart by your gut; you can?t walk more than a city block without sweating, panicky exhaustion; you can?t fit behind the wheel of your car; you certainly can?t hustle through an airport to make a connecting flight. Are you getting to the point where you want to rent the electric wheelchair in the grocery store? And God help you (and the people that depend on you) if you ever have to deal with any sort of emergency situation.

So, nobody has told you that these scenarios apply to you? You see these things all around you and don?t ever think that you are headed that way?

Be a man! Be a woman!?Be a father! Be a mother!?Be a leader! See what is happening to you!?Take action now!?But I?m just a kid.?30% of all children in America are overweight or obese, prediabetic or diabetic.?Young people can change the easiest and get the best result when they do change.

Act. Do not be acted upon. Just finding someone to tell you what drugs will keep your disease factors under control will not solve your problem. Real problems have real solutions. You need a total body transformation program. Only you can make life better. I have been taught that all things temporal are spiritual and all things spiritual are temporal. It takes character to deal with your stuff, but your character needs some support. You need character development. This is particularly true when things that are bad for you are the only things that give you the pleasure you crave. There is a life of happiness through health,?but you have to choose it, and for that you need help.?Get the help you need today and check out the?Best Fat Burner?way.


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